It is truly an honor to partner with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the Louisiana State University LSU NCBRT/ACE to mentor and certify instructors to educate and empower our communities to prevent targeted violence and terrorism. This is achieved through the Instructor Development- Threat Evaluation and Reporting Course (ID-TERC). Nearly 600 instructors from forty US states and two US territories have been certified as instructors since 2022. This does not include the thousands of federal, state, military, for profit and not for profit organizations and partners that have been trained by DHS instructors through the DHS Master Trainer Program.
I'm thankful for the recognition from DHS and want to ensure our success as instructors is tied directly to the amazing Team of DHS National Threat Evaluation and Reporting (NTER) Program Office professionals.

For more details regarding the DHS Master Trainer Program and three courses offered, please see below:
For more details regarding training events offered by LSU NCBRT, please see below: